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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Birthday Surprise!

To kick off the weekend a few of my friends and I surprised one of our best friends, Aubrey, for her birthday! We were able to pull of the surprise and showed up on her campus for a fun night out! Loyola is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from my campus, but some of our friends traveled great lengths to get there.  She was sufficiently surprised and we had a wonderful night meeting new friends and catching up with the old. I am so grateful to have the beautiful friends that I do. We are always able to pick up right where we left off, which is something truly special.  So here's to lifelong friendships, surprise getaways, and most importantly to Aubrey: one of the most unique, strong, beautiful, and kind individuals I have ever known.


  1. This is the sweetest post! Loved it!

  2. Oh, how fun! I just love birthday surprises!!!
