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Friday, April 5, 2013


Skirt: Loft (Similar), Sweater: Anthropologie (old), Tights: Gap

It's been awhile.  My sincerest apologies. Not gonna lie,the internet, specifically Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, have been just torturous lately.  My news feeds are flooded with pictures of people in absolute paradise...while I'm at school, in 30 degree weather, and slaving away at paper upon paper.  It. Is. Brutal.  But, I need to keep in mind that in a mere five weeks i will have completed my first year of college and it will officially be summer vacation.  How absolutely ridiculous is that to think about! This year has been one of the biggest (and hardest) of my life.  Everything changed in a very short amount of time, but my how I've grown from it all.  I think that college is doing what it's supposed to do for me.  I am completely finding myself and realizing what I want from life and how and where I will contribute to this big bad world.
On a lighter note, I am working as a dresser for a fashion show at the school that I take my fashion classes at!  I am extremely excited and I hope to learn a lot about styling and fashion (oh and have a little fun too! ;) Most definitely a post to come on this exciting weekend!  My most exciting point of the week: scoring tickets to Lollapalooza to see my two fav bands... on the SAME day!  Me and my boy will be seeing Mumford and Sons AND The Lumineers! What a great thing to look forward to this summer! Great music and a great boy... I'm too lucky.
Here's to everyone finding themselves in this crazy thing called life!



  1. That is so awesome, Hannah! You will do great!

  2. Aww thank you! Your comments are always so sweet :)

  3. You're adorable girl. Love this look!! And congrats on Lolla tickets and styling! Soooo legit ;)
